Thoughts week of January 16-20 2012
This week people made lots of suggestions and I had a hard time writing them all down, but here is what I remember:
I could try having a different starting note for the 16th note runs. At this point it's usually an F somewhere on the piano, but I thought this was a good idea, to create interest and to possibly lead the composition out of F.
I could try using different size tuples instead of groups of 4 and 8 (i.e. quintuplets or septuplets or triplets).
To create a 'wash of sound' (which was a good description, and something I had been thinking of in my head), I could use more irregular rhythms and (as above) group runs into uneven groups. I could use more ties, which I did use briefly in one measure.
To sustain interest in my introduction of the first page, I could incorporate some elements of the left hand before bringing it in permanently.
I could try using different time signatures (i.e. a measure of 4/4 followed by a measure of 4/4 plus an extra eighth notes and then back to 4/4).
To create a new motive, I could explore the rhythm of the right hand in measure 13 further.
I could also spend more time exploring the part where the left hand finally does come in permanently, before heading down to my next idea.
I thought that all of these were really good ideas, and I'm trying to incorporate most of them into my piece for the next class.
Excellent post; you are clearly hearing the feedback you are receiving and thinking about it, which is great!